Mama's Daily Grind (10/21/11)

Place a deck of cards face down.
Pick an exercise and then flip the card.
The value of the card is the # of reps for that exercise.
If you are not feeling creative use this list:
  1. Burpees
  2. Single leg squats
  3. Mountain climbers
  4. Bicycles
  5. 4 count jacks
  6. Walk-out push-ups
  7. Split squat jumps (alternating lunges)
  8. Jack knifes
  9. Cobra push-ups
  10. Squat jumps or box jumps
  11. Plank walking hands left, center, right, center
  12. Reverse crunches
  13. Single leg dead lifts
**With a full deck this will give you 4 rounds**
Happy Friday!!!


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